Improvements to UX for validating company names
AppDirect customers have reported issues with initial orders for NCE products not completing successfully and remaining in the Pending Subscription Create state indefinitely.
Most of the issues were found to occur when a company name contained characters unsupported by Microsoft's validation. These validation changes were introduced as part of revisions to Microsoft APIs made in December 2023 ( Validate company names, customer names, and email addresses - Partner Center).
We are introducing validation checks and improved messaging in the UI to align with Microsoft's behavior for checkout experiences in our marketplaces. These checks are enabled for both Checkout V1 and V2 flows and will make it easier to understand when users need to strip out certain unsupported characters and use the correct convention for naming during the creation of a Microsoft Customer Tenant.
These changes ensure that correctly formatted names are passed through for order processing, thereby improving overall customer experience and minimizing support requests.
Checkout V1
Updated messaging when the company name contains supported characters.
Checkout V2
Messaging when no text (special characters) has been added.
Messaging after text (special characters) has been added.
Feature enablement
This feature is enabled by default.
Setting enablement
No additional setting enablement is required.
No documentation updates are required.
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